De Boi'z 2 
Well this is my next cousin Adrian. Adrian is a cool and nice person. Always on msn but never there why you people like to do that man. Remember I still running 36.6kb Dail up net. Oh well man I think still is all for now. 
Aight then man Ezz ~1~ 
Wha you dealing with Sunil? Yo man wha happen this year man we didn't chill this summer man oh well I will check you at TLK seen. Yo man how is work still making the big money every summer, but now we need to get a job & keep it not no summer job no more. 
Aight then man Ezz ~1~
The Top A Toppa Dj Biggs From Biggs Sound Crew That Rolls With My Uncle Duffy At Desires Fridays & Saturdays Yeh Yeh And Also Biggs Boy I Don't His Name But He Knows Who He Is. Biggs Man Whas Going On At Desires Now A Days?? I Aight Bigg I Am Out Yo Ezz Keep Biggs Sound Crew Alive And Well ~1~ 
Rajesh aka Guyanese Bai B.(/\).O 
And Thanks For All Them Shout Outs You Make For *THE BWO CREW* 
Shout Outs 2 My Boi's Ryan P, Adrian, Devin,Shawn, Ronald, Andy P, Stephen, Irfaun A, Irfaun W, Mattew, Shamil, Kevin, Raf, "Z", Sean, Eric & D-CREW
© Copyrights 2003 GuYaNeSe BaI 
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